Friday, May 2, 2008

Perseverance Pays Off

The kids caught a skink this morning. Joyfully, they yelled for me as I was fixing their lunch. I came running, with camera in hand. I knew the day would come. They, especially Kalen, have tried and tried again.

Julian caught it first. Earlier this morning, I suggested they try using the butterfly net that we have. Sure enough, that allowed them to catch it. Julian held him with the net, then bare handed. He passed it off to his eager brother, Kalen. It nibbled Kalen a bit, so we (actually they) quickly put him in a container with the net over top of it. Madelyn was able to pet it, as well as Brayden.

It was able to sneak out of it's netted chamber and free itself, while my little naturalist were trying to feed it insects.  Here is a video of them trying to capture it again.


TS said...

What the crap is a skink? I thought they were called lizards. I thought you misspelled something, or one of the children mispronounced a word. HEE HEE Thanks for the laugh.

Jennifer said...


Unknown said...

So close!!! I love Brady's response, running back to you for reassurance, Julian taking the natural lead, Kalen being the trusty side-kick and Maddie standing patiently by!
I love seeing their team work!:)